Saturday, June 27, 2009


[This is an old post, pre 2009 election that is. But still holds true.  Previously posted on this blog, it matches with the views held by the individuals who started this one, so it is being re-posted. 

Curious individuals can give it a read.]

Yes! The time has come. Again. Like clockwork, the great Indian plebiscite has come again to our doorsteps . And it’s time we, as responsible citizens who can vote, start finding out who to vote for. For if it was the other way round, i.e. who not to vote for, the list would be too long to write about. 

Let us start our list of choices from the very top. With the people who have ruled this country for much of the time since the Brits left us to ourselves. If we look at their case history till now, we can clearly see they have an uncanny affinity towards the bloodline of the first Prime Minister of independent India. Well, this sort of affinity was perhaps appreciable during ancient and medieval times, but in the 21st century this looks odd. Even smells fishy.  

Well, whatever be the looks or smells of the members of the bloodline, they sure rule! Of the 61 years that have passed since the Transfer of Power, the country has been ruled by the chosen BloodLine for 37 years. And to think about it, when one realizes that the party they belong to has actually been in power for 45 years, i.e. only 8 years have been ruled by others from the party, the facts sure look pretty absurd. But facts are facts and no one can deny them. And the fact remains that even today; the strings are allegedly being pulled by the widow of the last successful heir from the chosen BloodLine. 

Whatever; bloodline or no bloodline, the party did rule the majority of the time and sure they have done things. Things which do not work. The Freight Equalization Policy, non-implementation of the land reform system, over-dependence on foreign imports, to name a few. 

Next comes the ones who have been in power, but not with as much success as the former one. In their current avatar, they look saffron. Sure the colour means renunciation, but since 6th Dec, 1992 the colour has changed its meaning in the Indian political scenario. And more so after the killings in Gujarat, Orissa, and rest of India where nuns have been raped by hooligans, lovers have been beaten up and pubs ravaged by the cadres of the party. Well, barbarism should not be tolerated in a modern civil society, and when it comes under the banner of a religion, it is not just which should not be tolerated, but more of a crime which should be punished exemplarily so that people think a million times before committing them. 

Saffron now drips of blood.  

Now comes the turn of those, who have never been in direct control of the power, but they have given their support to the ones who formed the government more than once, the Reds. Well, statistically speaking, they have only three states to speak of. But looking at the broader scheme of things they sure have their say and sometimes do make their voices heard. But these voices sometimes really do not reach the ones they are delivered to. Reasons are many, but the Left have a rough history in this country and have not performed, well, up to the mark. But then, who has?  

Sure they have been successful in conducting numerous rallies and strikes, but at the end of the day, they’re not a power to form a government of their own, and from the current state of affairs they don’t look like achieving that in a short period of time. 

After the Reds come the Blues. The self-proclaimed voice of the historically underprivileged, the Blues have come a long way since ’47. They’re ruling the single most important state in the union single-handedly. And that is a feat on its own. Three cheers for the Blues! But the blues have a big roadblock which is unlikely to be cleared anytime soon- the leadership problem. They do not have a single leader to speak of in front of an educated crowd. The lady at the helm for the Blues does not qualify as a highly acceptable leader of sorts. Whatever, they sure win votes and votes are what get counted. So with or without their limited abilities of leadership, they continue, and will continue in future their bull run and win more votes than ever it seems. And that do sound bad. For without strong leadership things tend to go wayward and politics require some degree of foresight. An imprudent leader may win votes, but in the long run may harm the future generations through the stupidity of her decisions. 

When the Blues go marching out, in come the other regional parties of very less importance. And they are the ones from every corner of the country. Vying for importance, they are the real spice of the elections. All the mirch and masala that are required to make the election-soup mouth-watering are provided by these small-time groups. Even they themselves are not sure which side they are on. That is decided only after the election results are out. And they get their best price.  

Well, that’s about it folks! We’re on the verge of another installment of the great pentennial farce that amazes the whole world with its necessary dose of all the ingredients of a potboiler. So sit tight, enjoy the ride, and don't change the channel!


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